

  • The latter two components are optional and can be ommitted when choosing 'custom install', they are only needed if you want to use the tcltk R package or build package documentation from sources. R 4.1.1 binary for macOS 10.13 ( High Sierra) and higher, Intel 64-bit build, signed and notarized...
    Unlike Microsoft Office 2007, the interface changes don't look radically foreign next to the 2004 edition. There's no Microsoft Access database application for the Mac, although Filemaker's upcoming release of Bento offers Mac users a new choice. Office for Mac includes Word, Excel for...
    This is normal, as Apple Mail cannot reach the email subdomain and will ask you to manually input email server details. The app will try to sign in, but the “ Unable to verify account name or password” message will appear. In the next window, select the Other Mail Account option and press...
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